Monday, December 04, 2006

I have an exam in less than two hours. And as the least observant reader has probably figured out by now, I am
a) not studying
b) blogging

Somewhere in the background the parents are getting progressively more nervous. To be precise they're biting their nails and occasionally letting out strange noises, which could be snorts but which sound a lot like hysterical giggles.
After almost eighteen years of watching me prepare for exams they still haven't come up with survival strategies on what-to-do-if-the-daughter-shows-no-signs-of-swotting-before-an-exam. Amazing really. It makes me wonder how parents survive at all. The number of times I've had to tell them to breathe/watch a movie/go do prem by the lakeside, is not funny. But instead of listening to me what do they do? Yep, they sit right there biting on their nails and laughing nervously.

I mean, it's simple really, the entire point of an exam is not to panic. At least not to panic before the exam actually starts. Which is my justification for going out and getting sloshed the night before the exam actually.
My rule for these exams is basically not panicking and not studying till the last minute. In ther words, I'm saving on the hysteria. It's all going to burst out in fifteen minutes of non-stop laughter *after* I see the question paper. Which will be my way of spreading sweetness and light in the classroom. After that of course I might have a heart-attack or be throttled by forty-eight irate and decidedly nervous examinees. But at least I shall have laughed. Which is what makes life worth living. And if we're getting philosophical, here's the phishy definition of happiness for today.

Happiness is laughter and hugs. It's also studying till dawn and dozing off for a little bit, only to be woken by the phone ringing and an equally sleepy voice wishing you luck against the backdrop of one solitary myna chirping brightly and one river flowing its own way. On that cryptic note, Oh World go out and be happy!


Dreamcatcher said...

Actually someone once told me that if you give an exam stoned, you do brilliantly well.

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

You just paraphrased Adams.

"Don't panic".
That's all you need to know anyway.


babelfish said...

dc : that someone was probably me; i've been saying it for years :D

j.a.p : Adams knew the answer to everything. That and 42 is all you need to know.

M (tread softly upon) said...

"number of times I've had to tell them to breathe/watch a movie/go do prem by the lakeside"
that cracked me up :)) Here's to you and your exams. GL and stay happy.

Anonymous said...

beeeg wet kissie on top of the fish head for luck.. guess what the image identifier was? Fkitnow

scorpionragz said...

tell me about it!!! will they never learn?? tch tch tch. maybe we should test them some day on methods of coping when their wards show no signs of swotting before an exam.