Tuesday, August 09, 2005

I am schizophrenic, well no I'm probably quadrophenic or better still heptophrenic (?) is there any such word....yes....no....maybe....whatever, I'm utilizing my creative license and since I'm not a poet shall we just call it my bloggetic license....there another new word (!!)....

The point is I am completely unable to reconcile all the varying emotions that are right now conducting a World (within)-of-Wrestling championship.......on the one hand I desperately want something Right Now...on the other hand a part of me is declaring some things will be Worth the Wait.....I want to be Demanding....and at the same time I feel like I should be Understanding (and I realize italics are painfully adoloscent but I'm not feeling particularly self-contained at this moment)......but this is the worst....get this.....I want what I want but I'm not sure if I really want what I think I want because if I get what I think I want I might not want to want what I think I want anymore.....and the worst of these sentences which make perfect sense when I'm writing them down is when I look at them again, not only do I have no clue what I'm talking about, I suddenly have doubts about what the spelling of 'want' is anyway!!!
Oh Lord....somebody tell me what I want anyway!!!

And on top of all this, the girl I could have sworn was my dearest friend in the whole wide university and whom I would have trusted without a breath of suspicion if tomorrow she were to tell me, the world was due to be eaten by a giant greenish purple monster who would confuse it with his favourite marshmellow, has accused me of the unthinkable!!! She insists that in my last examination I wrote something along the lines of...."actors are ethical abstractions of men"............eh?!!! Does anyone know what I might have meant by that, because I certainly cannot recollect having written anything like that in the first place(!!!)......sigh......what's the world coming to........


J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Ekta ukti korte pari (and I know je oont kaanta bechhe khaaye naa)
'Want' is fine, but they really are marshmAllows.

I like the point you make (in earlier posts), have been thinking about posting about it myself. That when the unattainable object of one's yearnings becomes attainable, s/he loses all charm. Better to have loved and lost.

Does JUDE have any courses on literary appreciation? Pratchett should figure there. I've been harassing the BCL to get the later novels, there are at least 5 that they have not procured.

And Linda G claimed Scarlett was a typical Arien, hope that doesn't further fragment your heart.


J. Alfred Prufrock said...

And oh, that Wilfred Owen poem is one of my favourites too. Spine-chillingly beautiful.


La Figlia Che Piange said...

you should just deny yourself what you want,it's a GREAT feeling...though,no wait,getting what you want just MIGHT be better...no wait,well,see...it depends on what you want.Oh,nevermind.

babelfish said...

J.A.P : Linda G knows nothing, she's the one who claims I should be sitting every morning with a perplexed expression on my face because I can't figure which sock to put on first, left or right.... and we should really burn BC...by the way thanks for dropping by :D and thanks for the correction... JUDE has lotsa literary appreciation classes, but nothing (tragically) on Pratchett and alas, nothing like corrective spellings for us mentally deficient mortals :D

babelfish said...

srin :you get my dilemma :D

Sayan Chakraborti said...

Better still, dont wear socks at all!

BTW, I had to wear socks and shoes for the last two days. What happened to my brand new "chappals"?

I was late in getting home. The "caretaker" was fast asleep. So, I had to climb over the wall to get into my own house. In order not to draw any public attention, I searched for a dark spot to climb the wall. In the process, I stepped on .....

Bee said...

u did write that!!!u did!!i peeked!!i am v offended that u dont believe me.glub glub.
atleast its better than what i wrote..'the play epitomizes cultural hybridity'(eh??!!)

babelfish said...

cass : please note I at least used words like 'are' and 'of'....in your statement all I can comprehend are the words 'the play' :D and of course I believe you although my faith in you is currently subject to the appearance of a long promised cake!!!

sayan : youch!

Teleute said...


J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Thought you should know - the BCL has finally responded to repeated snarls, they have new Terry Ps. Just finished 'Monstrous Regiment'. 'Fifth Elephant' should be next.


babelfish said...

j.a.p : I swiped Fifth Elephant of a junior at JU.....the joys of JUDE......will scout around for M.R....and if it's your snarling which has worked these miracles, God bless your snarls....