Crankiness continued through the afternoon with me yelling head off at buddy....almost ten hours later I’m getting guilt pangs….sorry cass!!!…….my irritation could be attributed to general feeling of stuffiness (sunday lunch…..sigh……..the well peeled potatoes added to the flavour of maangshor jhol considerably…..smirk) but the primary reason for annoyance would be parental determination to take me shopping.
I abhor shopping for clothes……as opposed to my dad who for some inscrutable reason revels in going on shopping trips with my mom(!!!) I would much rather be shipped of to Singapore on a shutter than go shopping! ! !
At any rate we scoured three malls for about four hours and picked up two shirts......
This be because there are no good stores in calcutta and the rare pretty things I can find are obviously meant for ten year olds or those without ummm…..overtly feminine contours......shall we say…..sigh….fashion is not meant for not-thin-people……glump glump…….
ahaha! I remember that poem! Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore and his unfortunate habit of slamming doors. I even remember the drawings in our radiant reader(or was it the poem book?), sulky looking boy he was. I don't remember which class it was though. Are you interested in comic books? I don't remember you being very interested in them before, but maybe you are now. I'm rediscovering the joys of Spiderman. They've come out with a new Ultimate Spiderman series, the art is absolutely awesome and I think the stories are very well written.
oy doofus!!!there's a link out there with a good purpose...the little chap did not slam doors but rather was the boy who Never would shut the door!!!!class five it was :D
well, I did say it was a long time ago. And at least I remembered about the door part, it's irrelevant whether he shut them too forcefully or not at all :D I bet his parents would have shipped him or rather shuttered him away for slamming doors too. Class five, Mrs. Sen! Hm, Little Mermaid frieze and someone emptied my bottle of beautiful blue poster paint, grrr. I grieved for that paint for a long time. And pissed off Nidhi by completely redrawing her picture rather than correcting the mistakes that were there, hehe.
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