Thursday, September 08, 2005

I read a book last night.......and no, this isn't the first time such a thing has reactions through the hundred minutes or so required to finish the book varied from vaguely interested to gently raised eyebrows on to eyebrows indistinguishable from hairline to pure anguish........
the one question floating constantly through my mind (more like hammering at the portals of my consciousness) was.......why am I reading this book??
of course, a little later the question became a statement.........this is killing me!!
further on, the cussing began and I must have called the author a phony about a million times......
and then as suddenly as it began, it ended, and the memory that remains is of these words.........
"Don't ever tell anybody anything. If you do, you start missing everybody."
I don't think this is a book which I can like or dislike or categorize in any just is......and having told you about it I realize I too am missing it.........

post blog script : my mom saw the book and said "ki shob porchho" I considerately explained to her that it was an iconic work creating a subversive counter-cultural identity and amounting to a literary objective correlative of an iconoclast and then added "I cannot help it if your education is incomplete".......the book was The Catcher In The Rye.


Dreamcatcher said...

Awww she made you hate Keats as well..
and ur reading CITR isnt everybody a phony..thats an incredibly weird book . that book just kills me.

Anonymous said...

I've started to read that book twice, and just ran out of steam both times. For a while I even carried it around in my bag, just in case I suddenly got a weird spurt of affection for it and could finally carry on. It was strange and unattractive and unattractive not in a fascinatingly ugly way but in a more mundane disinteresting way. Maybe someday I will finish it and then I will have more of an informed opinion to share, but till then I shall simply share in the oddness.

Bee said...

u so and so!!this while i was reading da vinci's ludicrous scrawls???

La Figlia Che Piange said...

That book did weird things to me,the lingo sorta grows on you.If you've read Vernon God Little,it does the same thing.